Belief in the Unseen is an integral part of a Muslim’s creed. Every Muslim must believe in all whatever Allah told us about in the Qur’an and all whatever the Prophet told us about in his Sunnah. In the Qur’an we are told the first characteristics of the righteous: [This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah; Who believe in the Unseen] (Al-Baqarah 2:3)....
It is unfortunate that in the 21st century there are many people who doubt the authenticity of the event of Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj. One finds little difference between this stance and that of the Quraish. In fact, this rejection in modern times is worse than that made by the Quraish. At least, the means of transportation in the Prophet’s time made it difficult for the people to understand this overnight journey to a place hundreds of miles away. Such speed is easy to conceive with today’s technology. And, after all, we should remember that it is Allah, the Creator of the heaven and earth, Who arranged for this journey, and He Almighty is the One Who speaks about it in the Qur’an. This leaves no room for doubt or question.
read more.. Islam online.
Belief in the Unseen
The Unseen (ghaib) is defined as everything that cannot be perceived by man’s senses, including those things that remain secret from man and are only known by Allah the All-Aware, as well as those things that man has knowledge of due to his being informed of them by Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). There are a few matters related to the Unseen that man can uncover through scientific analysis and investigation, but only by using instruments such as telescopes and microscopes that expand the capabilities of man’s senses. In actuality, these matters can only be defined as part of the Unseen if taken relative to man’s circumstances at a given time or place...
read more ..Islamonline
1 comment:
Firman Allah SWT di dalam Surah al-Isra - ayat 70 yang bermaksud;
Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memuliakan anak-anak Adam; dan Kami telah beri mereka menggunakan berbagai-bagai kenderaan di darat dan di laut; dan Kami telah memberikan rezeki kepada mereka dari benda-benda yang baik-baik serta Kami telah lebihkan mereka dengan selebih-lebihnya atas makhluk-makhluk yang telah Kami ciptakan.
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